Lucid Dream Lab
Thesis Project
Professor: Frederick Burbach
Project Synopsis:
“A lucid dream is defined as a dream during which dreamers, while dreaming, are aware they are dreaming,” specialists explain. Lucid dreaming sounds mysterious and fun, as if it were a special power granted by the gods. However, this is not the case. Lucid dreaming is an advanced form of meditation that virtually everyone has a chance to achieve with practice.
According to existing scientific research, lucid dreaming usually occurs during REM, and the content of our dreams usually comes from our subconscious mind. Lucid dreaming has many benefits, including creativity, pleasure, and nightmare solving. Up to now, scientists have already given relatively scientific and effective practice methods for lucid dreaming.
Project Description:
The main purpose of the Lucid Dream Lab project is to show the audience why we have lucid dreams and how we can effectively achieve them. This project includes brand design, book design, poster design, 3D product design and UI design.
The “Lucid Dream Exercise Book” collects several techniques that I have personally tested to be effective. The "Lucid Dream Story Posters" are made based on the lucid dream stories I have collected. I hope that through the poster, audiences who have never had lucid dream experience can also feel the magic and richness of dreams. "Lucid Dream Helper" is a feasible product based on theory and existing technology, which can help people to achieve lucid dreaming more easily.
During REM, eye movement is a physiological characteristic of lucid dreaming. The inspiration for the brand mark came from this. The circle and dot represent the eyes, and the variable weight of the circle’s stroke, brings the dynamic to the brand mark, also emphasizing the feature of “eye movement.”
The color palette chooses from the color of dawn. Before sunrise, we tend to experience the longest REM period of the night, which increases the likelihood of lucid dreaming.
Branding of the whole, dynamic, and there is a sense of quiet and mystery of lucid dreaming.
Lucid Dream Biology Reference
Poster Design (18*24 in)
Lucid dreaming may seem mysterious, but scientists have been able to work out an exact technique based on the investigation of the causes of lucid dreaming.
In this poster, we scientifically explain our sleep cycle, the physiological characteristics of lucid dreaming, and the activity of the cerebral cortex during lucid dreaming.
Lucid Dream Exercise Book
Book Design
Only 23% of people in this world can naturally do lucid dream, but that doesn’t mean this is a gift that most people can’t achieve. However, scientists have already found many professional and effective techniques that can help people do lucid dreams.“Lucid Dream Exercise Book” includes Five proper techniques:
Your present state of consciousness.
Cataloging your dreams.
Scheduling time for lucid dreaming.
Critical state-testing technique.
Mild technique.
The combination of graphics and text will enable the audience to understand better and use these methods.
Lucid Dream Story Posters
Poster Design (11*17 in)
Motion Design
As shown in the biology poster, only 23% of the world's population is born with lucid dreaming, without any practice. However, this is not an innate ability for most people, and even a small number of people, after strenuous exercise, still find it very difficult.
These posters tell about five completely different kinds of lucid dreaming stories.
Even if the audience had never had a lucid dream or practiced it, they still could not succeed. I still hope they can enjoy the mysterious world of lucid dreaming.
Lucid Dream Helper
3D Product Design & App Design
Lucid dream helper is a skin-safe adhesive product that can efficiently increase the chance of lucid dreams. The most challenging part of doing lucid dreams is the critical state check. As long as people can successfully remember to check their dream status. they can quickly become aware that they are in a lucid dream. This product aims to send a “red light” signal to remind people to check their dream status. Even in sleep, our senses still activate; We can still feel the red light. With the meditation exercise on the app, the effect will be better.